What we do

We help medical professionals to prevent cervical cancer from developing. We do this at the interface of digital pathology with our Artificial Intelligence-powered computer program.


Our product

Cervify is a software program based on Artifical Intelligence and cell physiological modelling that helps pathologists and bioengineers to analyse biopsies and cytological samples of the cervix.

Time efficient

A user friendly interface with integrated functionality for documentation reduces the time and effort spent analysing each sample.

Quality assuring

Powered by Artifical intelligence and physiological modelling, Cervify independently identifies pathological findings and suggests diagnoses.


Aggregating information over time and across biopsies and cytology samples, Cervify facilitates more individual-specific analyses of tests.

Insight generating

Cervify's unique technology links automatically generated diagnoses to pathological findings, making them transparent and explainable.

Our Values



